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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Happy Birthday, Sariah! :)

She's a big five year old now! Sariah had yet another "Princess Party." Friends from school and church came over to play dress-up, run around and eat the pretty purple chocolate chip cupcakes I made. Fun was had by all! :) Latest Sariahism...Sariah to me (while I was riding the exercise bike): "Mommy, don't go too fast or you'll melt!" Do you like her new princess peepers? She picked out some Hannah Montana glasses as her first choice and when the optometrist started to put them on her, she said, "Woah!!! Let's look at these adult size glasses over here..." These were the cutest adult glasses. They are tortoise shell over pink. :)


Anonymous said...

Sariah, looking good in your glasses, can you see better? Grandpa got new glasses, too, but he's still getting used to them.

MyKidsMom said...

Noelle was very nervous about getting her glasses until she discovered that there were pink glasses. Then, she was excited :)