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Sunday, January 6, 2008

Good Job, Mom! :)

20 Brownie Points for Mommy! They were pretending to be dogs eating mini-marshmallows while waiting for their squash infused coffee cake to bake! :) I'm hoping the squash nutrients balanced out all the marshmallows. :) I've discovered the video side bar so that I can get videos to show, you just have to guess which one goes with which post. You can see all the videos here.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Why Does Exercising Give You More Energy?

20 brownie points to the person that can guess what Luke and Sariah are doing in this picture. :) Here is my scientific theory #243: It seems like spending time and energy to exercise would lead to having less time and energy, but the opposite is true. Here is my theory... Have you ever watched water trickle over dirt or debris? When the water moves slowly, the dirt stays still, even a leaf has a hard time being washed away. But, if the same amount of water is put under pressure (Think: thumb on the end of the hose) then that same water easily washes away just about anything in it's path. So when you exercise your blood is rushing through your body, cleaning the gunk out of your veins. With clean veins, your heart doesn't have to work as hard so you have more energy to use cleaning the bathrooms or picking up pecans. There you go, prove me wrong!

Maybe I Should Just Stick to Photos

This is very frustrating. I have all these cute little videos and the only one that works is that dumb snake! When I preview the posts the video feature works, but as soon as I publish it turns into a blank box with a little x in a box. Arrrrgghh! Here's a cute picture I took the other night. They were fast asleep, so I had fun posing them. :)